Conflict is as old as humanity itself. And, like it or not, it’s a part of every marriage, family, and relationship in our lives. But conflict does not have to be destructive; it can actually be constructive. If done biblically, it can lead to a better place, to mutual understanding, and, ultimately, to growth.

Here are 10 rules for “fighting fair” from Ephesians chapters 4 & 5:

  1.  Be a peacemaker | CH 4, VS 1
  2. Understand their point of view | CH 4, VS 2
  3. Find common ground | CH 4, VS 3
  4. Be caring and constructive throughout the process | CH 4, VS 23-24
  5. Be truthful, don’t exaggerate | CH 4, VS 25
  6. Address conflict quickly | CH 4, VS 26-27
  7. No name calling or put downs; put others first | CH 4, VS 29
  8. Guard your heart and mind | CH 4, VS 31
  9. Be kind, compassionate and forgiving | CH 4, VS 32
  10. Emulate Christ’s love | CH 5, VS 1-2

Let’s pray that the Lord directs us and helps us to handle conflict His way – and not our own.