Christmas is a time of great imagination, especially for kids. Just imagine a child taking a beautifully wrapped gift in hand, shaking it, imagining what’s in it, listening for a puppy inside. Thinking “What could it be?” as they run through all the awesome possibilities in their mind. Hoping, dreaming, […]
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Wonder: The Impossible Becomes Possible
This month I found myself thinking about the heroism of WWII. December 16 marked the 74th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. There were many battles in WWII but according to Alex Kershaw in his book, The Longest Winter, the greatest battle in U.S. history was the Battle of […]
Read MoreWonder: The Invisible Becomes Visible
John 1:1-18 It was amazing to follow the NASA InSight landing on Mars, which was sent to explore the planet’s unchartered interior. Lori Glaze, acting director of the Planetary Science Division in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, stated, “We’ve studied Mars from orbit and from the surface since 1965, learning about […]
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