Join me in a study on the Proverbs: God’s Wisdom for Today. As you read through the Proverbs, I urge you to reflect, pray, and apply these devotional bits of encouragement and wisdom to your own life. Today, we study and reflect on Proverbs 24.

It is human to want to get even. It is carnal to seek revenge. It is a natural impulse to want to pay someone back for what they did to you. But Jesus says, forgive. “Forgive as I have forgiven you.”That is not natural nor easy. That’s why we need God’s help. Who do you hold in contempt? Who do you have a hard time forgiving? Who stirs up your resentment? Bitterness? Ask God to give you the grace and mercy to forgive freely. Like Jesus. “Father, forgive them,” He prayed. Why does the Bible address this topic over and over and over? Because God knows relationships are messy and often hurtful. Conflict is a common part of life, but resolving conflict is a commitment Christ followers need to engage in. And it starts with forgiveness. Ask God to give you the faith and strength to forgive. As you forgive, you will find the freedom you deeply need.
“Do not say, “I’ll do to them as they have done to me; I’ll pay them back for what they did.” – Proverbs 24:29