David’s prayer of confession in Psalm 51 is a powerful reminder that while we are sinners, our God is a forgiver. David prayed in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God.” A simple prayer, but a great prayer. The Bible tells us that all of us have sinned. I’ve sinned, you’ve sinned, the perfect person you think you know has sinned — all of us have sinned. Only one human being has never sinned — and that is Jesus. The rest of us are in need of forgiveness. Sin and guilt and shame can take their toll on our heart and soul. It can work painfully on our mind. Repentance, however, leads to cleansing. Asking Jesus to forgive gives us a fresh start. I John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins HE WILL forgive us and cleanse us. Not maybe or someday, but for sure and now.

For most of my life I’ve prayed ACTS prayers, prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. The Confession part is very important to me. This part of my prayer reminds me and prioritizes for me the importance of confessing my sins and disobedience to Christ. It helps me focus on the humility of my heart and the confession of my soul. Prayers of confession like David’s in Psalm 51 give priority to my need to ask for forgiveness, both for sins I’ve committed or steps of obedience I’ve omitted.

I think we all know that we have sinned and missed the mark. What we need to know even more is that He will forgive us and help us get a fresh start. He is merciful and full of grace. His love for you and me is literally out of this world. Take a minute today and read through Psalm 51. Then pray a prayer of confession and allow Christ to give you peace and if necessary, a fresh start.