Why do we create, promote, and conduct Short Term Out-Reach Missions trips?  STORM trips are crucial to our overall mission’s strategy here at BCA for a variety of reasons.


First, Jesus said “Go.”  In His Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells us to “go into all the world and make disciples.”  We like to talk around here about the vital importance of praying, giving, and going.  The Lord has commanded us to PRAY, GIVE, and GO and we do this by praying for those who need the Lord, giving to send missionaries to spread the Good News, and going on STORM trips ourselves and sending missionaries.  This year we sent a team to the Island of Sumba in Indonesia, our Youth Team is in Swaziland as I write (having a great trip I might add), and our medical missions team is serving in Africa this month, as well.  We are preparing for another mission’s team to travel this winter and more in 2017.  Jesus said “Go.”  His last command is our first priority.


Second, STORM trips stretch our global vision, shape our world view, and help expand our heart to reach the world with His gospel.   I believe every disciple of Jesus that can possibly go needs to travel on at least one STORM trip in their lifetime.  Statistics show that those who do come back with a renewed determination to support missions and missionaries through prayer and giving like never before.


Third, STORM trips help confirm calling.  Statistics show that many fulltime vocational missionaries were called to missions or greatly impacted to become a missionary while going on a STORM trip.  This is one reason why we encourage and work hard to help all of our students go on a STORM trip during their high school years.  Our 30 member TrueLife student missions team is in Swaziland right now and the pictures I’m seeing and stories I’m hearing thrill my heart.  These students and leaders will come back changed and have a heart to support missions like never before.


I encourage you to seriously make plans to join us on one of our many upcoming STORM trips and allow God to reshape your heart and refocus your vision for how God wants to use you to win the world.