I attended our LifeGroup Link a couple of weeks ago.  About 85 people were in attendance, many of whom were newer to BCA.  I started a conversation with a woman whom I had not yet met.  We had just exchanged names when her eyes teared up and she looked at me and said, “Thank you for saving my life.”  To be honest, it took me back a little.  I was trying to get my head wrapped around what she was saying to me when she repeated herself with a small amplification.  “Thank you for everything you do… this church has saved my life.”  We talked a little bit more and then someone invited everyone to find a chair as it was time to start the meeting.  She went one direction and I went forward to welcome everyone and kick off our event.

I left that meeting thinking about this woman, who was new to our church, and wondered about her story.  Her words rang loud in my mind, “Thank you for saving my life.”  I found myself thinking about the power of community and the hope available through Christ and His Church.  I thanked God for the work of everyone in our church family who work hard to build a community of hope, a true lifeline for many.  Anchoring deep in a community of faith is vital not only to our personal growth in our relationships with Christ, but it also is vital for us to receive encouragement from like-minded Christ followers.  Obviously, it is Jesus who saves our life.  But He often uses members of His family as agents of encouragement and hope.  And that is you and me!

I thank God for our Church, BCA.  I am encouraged, comforted, strengthened, and blessed by my Christian family.  Together, we continue to work hard to reach out farther and wider than ever before, because we know that Jesus has many more women (and men and kids) who “need to be saved.”  And He desires to use us along the way.

Thank you for all you do, BCA.  Let’s keep reaching out and building up a community of love, acceptance, and forgiveness – for His Glory.