Fearless Faith

Turn Opposition into Opportunity

Opposition is an opportunity to prove and improve our faith. Opposition is a barbell of faith (James 1:2-4). It builds spiritual muscle if we use it appropriately. We are going to struggle in life, but when we do we need to turn to our Savior (John 16:33). Moses faced opposition, […]

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Remember the Power of Passover

Remembering is important. It is not good to forget your wedding anniversary, an important birthday, promises you’ve made to other people, etc. In Exodus 12, we read about Israel’s first celebration of Passover.  It is a tremendous lesson on the theology of remembering. The Passover celebrated and remembered the supernatural […]

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Hold Fast to God’s Promises

Have you driven in thick fog recently?  I have.  And boy is it hard to see.  It requires you to slow down, focus hard, and trust what you know.  We need to do the same thing when life gets foggy—when challenging predicaments arise and it is hard to see clearly. […]

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God Wants You to Enjoy His Mercy

There are many lessons we can learn from the story of Moses, Pharaoh, and the 10 plagues in Exodus 7-11. One of the key lessons is that it is wiser to live on the side of God’s mercy than it is to live on the side of His judgment. Just […]

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Live on the Side of God’s Mercy

In Ex 7:14-12:30, we read the story of the 10 Plagues in Egypt.  It is a contest, really, between Almighty God and the gods of Egypt.  Pharaoh, in his stubbornness, defied the power of the God of Moses and essentially belittles the Lord.  God proved not only to Pharaoh, but […]

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Change your Mindset

  We all experience down times.  Times when life is underwhelming, difficult, discouraging, and troubling.  And it is often in those times we can face seasons of doubt. We are working on our marriage but it doesn’t seem to be getting better. We try to dig out from our financial […]

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Stop The Excuses

  We are all good at making excuses.  Tom Casano, in a Huffington Post article, wrote about, The 10 Most Common Excuses For Not Reaching Your Goals.  His list included:   1. Money. 2. I don’t have the time. 3. Overwhelmed. 4. Not the right time to start. 5. Fear. […]

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Encounter God

Encounter God

Spiritual disciplines are taught in Scripture and have been practiced by Christians for 2,000 years.  They help us focus our faith and focus on God.  Spiritual disciplines are habits of engagement in the sense that they help bend us away from the carnal and engage us in spiritual thinking and […]

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all for one and one for all

All For One and One For All

You remember this line from the nineteenth-century French author Alexander Dumas, The Three Musketeers.   I’m a big fan.  Love the book, movies, characters, love for country and all things right.   “All for One and One for All” has another connotation for me, as well.  As Christ followers, we are […]

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take the next step

Take the Next Step: 12 Fall Growth Initiatives

Each fall we like to roll out some of the ministry expansion objectives that we are working on. Of course, there are many ministries and outreaches already on our normal ongoing calendar, but in the piece below you will see several new goals and initiatives that our leadership team is praying about, promoting, […]

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